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Conference Information

There are a number of Nutrition and Wellbeing conferences held every year, with the latest research and topics discussed by well-known and highly esteemed professionals in the industry.


However, sometimes these can feel daunting or overwhelming. This is why we decided to organise our own conference, by the students, but for students, professionals, as well as the public, in one unique setting!


Dr Ayaz SafiProfessor Mohammed Gulrez Zariwala and Dr Dipanker from the School of Life Science at Westminster, a group of enthusiastic students, and the Centre for Nutraceuticals have teamed up to establish this conference.


You will be able to find important information about what it is ACTUALLY like to do an undergraduate or postgraduate course or a PhD from students who are either currently studying or have graduated.


After all, the students of today are the professionals of tomorrow!

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